Sunday, June 3, 2012

May 24th

Myself and two other girls caught a ride to the Chimpanzee refuge today (the name I cannot spell and you cannot pronounce so I am not even going to try). It is 17km off of the main road so it was lucky that we were in a Peace Corps cruiser and the driver was easily guilted into driving us the whole way. At first glance the chimp place was not much to look at. It was composed of a circular compound with bunk houses off to each side, there was the mess tent, and showers, but no physical evidence that this was the second largest chimpanzee refuge in the world second to Jane Goodall’s in Tanzania. We arrived too late in the day to do the chimp walk so we will do it first thing in the morning. I plan to spend the evening drinking wine (yes again mom), exploring the compound, and hanging out with my new set of Peace Corps friends. 

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