Thursday, May 10, 2012

May 5th

So I am going to retract my previous statement about all foods tasting delicious; that may have been a bit premature. Ellen’s Ba Mama brought over some bush meat for us today. I am not entirely sure what kind of animal it was, but it was hairy even without skin. It had the consistency of cat food and tasted like what I would imagine the bastard child of spam and gefilte fish would taste like.
To compensate for the awful bush meat experience Ellen and I decided to bake a cake with one of the girls in her compound. We made a vanilla cake over hot coals and it did not burn and it was amazing. My outdoor culinary skills are greatly improving. Next we shall tackle the task of baking bread!
I went for a run today. The concept seemed to confuse many of the villagers. They kept asking me where I was going. When I would respond that I was just going for a run and that I had no destination in mind they looked at me like I was off my rocker, which I maybe.  I also delighted many of the village women today by carrying the 10 liter jug of water on my head back the compound. Although I was put to shame by the 13 year old carrying a 20 liter jug on her head going nearly twice as fast as I was. 

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