Tuesday, May 22, 2012

May 17th

This morning I could not find the doctors to do rounds with them. I suppose I am not all that surprised. I spent my morning in the Fetal Maternal Clinic. Thursdays the staff conducts an antenatal clinic. I was pleasantly surprised as to how many women/girls with their significant others attended; there was about 20 couples and 2 single women/girls. I feel as though I cannot categorize pregnant 14 year olds as women yet, even though they are obviously sexually active and reached puberty. The staff and I spent the morning drawing blood, giving tetanus shots, screening for malaria and anemia, measuring fundal height, listening to fetal heart rates with a fetal scope, determining the lay of the fetus, giving out prenatal vitamins and iron, checking blood pressure, and weighing the expectant mothers. The majority of the women/girls were in their mid to late 2nd trimester; with no way to know for sure if you are pregnant in the village women usually wait until they can feel the baby move before coming to the clinic. Quickening (first movement) can happen as early as 16 weeks (I think).  Ideally women should be getting prenatal vitamins during their first trimester, but currently I am happy that people even show up!

I made a chocolate cake for dinner. It was heaven and I usually don’t even like cake.

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